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Bloomfield & Avocats

Private International, Corporate, Commercial and Tax Law, Banking, Securities, Intellectual Property and Estate Law

Harry J.F. Bloomfield Q.C.


K.J.St.J., B.A., LL.B., M.B.A.

Harry J.F. Bloomfield, Q.C.

Father: Bernard M. Bloomfield, K. St. J., PH.D., LL.D, D.Sc.

Former President of Eldee Foundation, Montreal, QC.

Mother: Neri J. Bloomfield, O.St.J., LL.D., D.H.L., D.Sc.

Chairman of the Eldee Foundation, a Canadian Charitable Foundation, 1984 to present.

Uncle: , (1906-84) Q.C., K.St.J., Ph.D., LL.D., D.C.L.

Admitted to Bar of Quebec 1930; Formerly a partner of Phillips, Bloomfield, Vineberg Law Firm, Appointed Queens Counsel 1948; Former member of National Capital Commission 1958 to 1971; Former President of the Order of St. John, Quebec Council; Former President of Canadian Branch International Law Association.

Harry Bloomfield Q.C. Biography